October 15, 2024

Treatment of Trusts in Equalization Claims

October 15, 2024 at 12:00PM (ET) on ZOOM

Treatment of Trusts in Equalization Claims

October 15, 2024
at 12:00PM (ET) on ZOOM
This program is eligible for CPD hours required of Lawyers.
This program is eligible for CPD hours required of Lawyers.
Treatment of Trusts in Equalization Claims


This seminar will discuss best practices for a lawyer representing the trustee of a discretionary trust regarding the maintaining of proper records, file organization, and handling client property to assist the client properly administer the discretionary trust and avoid claims of negligence.

Topics include:

  • Obtaining information from third party trustees.
  • Sham trusts.
  • Valuing beneficial interests in fixed and discretionary trusts.

Discussion Materials

Session Recording

In the Media

This article was published by Law360 Canada, part of Lexis Nexis Canada Inc. on October 10, 2024.


Counsel, Wagner Sidlofsky LLP

David Freedman

Estate Lawyer

Epstein Cole LLP


Family Law Lawyer


b'nai brith canada
Wagner Sidlofsky LLP
BMO Private Wealth
Weir Foulds LLP
Treatment of Trusts in Equalization Claims Seminar
David Freedman

C. David Freedman

Counsel, Wagner Sidlofsky LLP

David brings an approach to resolving his clients’ legal issues that is rooted in a deep understanding of the law but is very pragmatic. He is happy to work with clients on simple and complex matters and within the confines of a client’s resources.

Kristy Warren

Knowledge Management and Practice Support, Epstein Cole LLP

Kristy is the Knowledge Management & Practice Support lawyer at Epstein Cole LLP and practises exclusively in the area of family law.  Kristy graduated from the University of Toronto Law School and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2016.

In her role, Kristy provides guidance and support to the firm’s lawyers in their practices, and strategic input into complex and novel legal issues for trial and appeal advocacy. She is a valuable resource to the firm, facilitating efficient exchange of knowledge and lawyer development to the benefit of the firm’s clients, as the firm maintains its reputation as the leading family law firm in the country.  

Kristy is an Associate Editor of the Reports of Family Law and assists with “Franks & Zalev, This Week in Family Law”, a weekly family law newsletter published in FamilySource by WestlawNext Canada.